What Interests Me.....

I am very interested in sharks, I want to learn more about sharks and be able to look more into these gentle giants. I am very fascinated with sharks and interested to see just how dangerous they really are. I believe that most people think of sharks as a monster, creatures who are nothing but killing machines, but who are the real killers? Lately a problem occurring is the mass killing of sharks for their fins. I found this to be very interesting because while people want these fierce animals dead we forget that they may be more afraid of us then we are of them. These animals do not  deserve this harsh treatment and we need to learn more about this topic in order to help!

There are still large schools of hammerhead sharks off Cocos Island, but the schools are found at fewer sites.


This is an article i found in the New York Times about shark fishing and allthough we fear these animals we must realize their species are quickly dwindling down. This takes place in the coco islands were the sharks come in hundreds, but recently discovered by marine science scuba divers, the sharks seem to be reduced by a lot, and now there are more fish than ever. These sharks have been killed off for their fins, in order to make shark fin soup. After the animals fins are cut off the sharks are thrown off the boat and left to be incapable of surviving, now it is common to see dead finless sharks washed up on shore countless places.



The worst of all shark attacks to happen was the incident of the USS Indianapolis, more than 900 men  were thrown to the mercy of the sharks in the pacific ocean when the warship was split in 2 by Japanese torpedoes. It took four days for rescue teams to find the men, Out of the 900 who made it safely to life rafts 579 men were found dead as well as many bodies half chewed spart by sharks circling the life rafts. Hundreds of sharks were taunting them daily and one surviver said once you hear someone scream you know they had been attacked by the sharks.

When looking into all these articles on sharks I find that we need to be more careful about how we treat these animals because they are apart of our ecosystem and if we kill them all off, who knows what will happen to the rest of the animals. I was also very interested by the attacks happening by these giants because a lot of times our attention is not brought to it. Wether they attack or not something we have to remember is that when we enter the ocean we are in there teritory.